Exciting news for our growing affiliate network. CPAFuel is moving corporate headquarters to Las Vegas Nevada. All affiliates and advertisers will receive a newsletter in the coming week with details about our new location. To reach the new office contact us at:
Phone: 702.800.3550
Fax: 702.920.8404

CPA Fuel has just returned from Affiliate Summit West in Las Vegas. For the first time in 3 years, we had a booth in order to promote the exclusive offers on the network. With the fast expansion of our offers in the dating vertical, we welcomed the extra exposure provided by ASW. 2013 will be the year of really expanding CPA Fuel as our offers are growing at a phenomenal basis. We met some great publishers and traffic sources at ASW 2013 and are extremely excited about the year to come. If we missed you at this affiliate summit, keep a lookout for us at Adtech San Francisco 2013!

CpaFuel.coms zero risk advertising structure has delivered an estimated 25 Million potential customers to clients web properties since its inception in 2009.
The growing affiliate network utilizes a thriving advertising model known as Cost Per Action to deliver revenue generating actions to its clients.
Cost Per Action, also referred to as CPA, is an online advertising pricing model where the advertiser or client pays for each specified action. This action can be a product purchase, form submission, email submit or any action desired by the client. Direct response advertisers consider CPA the optimal method when purchasing traffic online, as an advertiser only pays for the ad when the desired action has occurred. This model reduces the risk and essentially guarantees the estimated return on investment.
CpaFuel.com delivers millions of visitors by distributing cost-per-action ad campaigns through an expansive network of publishers. These publishers are experts in all advertising channels including search, pay-per-click, display, social and email.
All publishers in the CpaFuel network are diligently screened through various methods in order to ensure quality traffic and customers for its advertisers. "We pride ourselves on harboring a niche base of quality publishers which we have personally met, screened and trust to send profitable traffic to our advertisers web properties." Arin Aghajani CEO

CPA Fuel will be attending the AdTech conference this coming week in San Francisco.
CPA Fuel representatives have been attending this event for 4+ years and it has always proven to be one of the best gatherings of affiliates and advertisers every year.
Affiliates should be on the lookout for new offers directly related to the new partnerships formed at this conference.

CPA Fuel is expanding and moving across town into an advanced business park in the popular Brand business district of Glendale. This move comes as a result of the continued success of the CPA Fuel Affiliate Network. While being the agency of record for many top advertisers in the affiliate marketplace, CPA Fuel has placed itself in the top echelon of affiliate networks with the ability to provide many true exclusive offers. The new corporate headquarters will launch the expansion of the affiliate networks inhouse traffic divisions, assisting in delivering additional high quality traffic to clients.
CPA Fuel works hard to separate themselves from the cookie cutter affiliate networks. They spend their time cultivating marketing plans and aiding the advertisers in the building of their properties whether it is with their experienced design staff or their highly experienced business development dept. They are always working with their advertisers to stay ahead of the curve and bring their publishers offers they rarely see at other networks.
"We are expanding and rewarding our staff for a job well done. The new offices will allow us to continue to build and grow our company to an unprecedented level", says Arin Aghajani CEO of Cpafuel.com
This move from a local business condo to a luxury high rise in addition to record profits proves their highly focused business approach is a key to their success in an overly saturated affiliate marketing environment.

Advertising Network CPA Fuel has partnered with its clients to send one week of revenue to the Red Cross' Pakistan Disaster Effort. From August 30 to September 5, 2010, a percentage of revenue will be donated.
Unprecedented monsoon rains in Pakistan have triggered a humanitarian crisis that threatens the lives and well-being of millions of people in the floodwaters' path, particularly young children. The disaster zone stretches from the Swat Valley in the north, where 700,000 people are in need of help, to Sindh in the south. Flooding in Pakistan has so far stranded and left homeless over 10% of the population, in excess of 20 million people. More than 4 million children are in imminent danger of contracting deadly diseases such as cholera and acute diarrhea; millions more are in danger of starving if they don't get help soon. Over 1,500 Pakistanis have already been killed by the floods.
"The human tragedy unfolding in Pakistan right now demands our full attention. With 6 million children affected - 3.5 million of them in desperate need - time is of the essence in delivering lifesaving supplies to those in need. I feel that it is our duty as humans to lend a helping hand." - CEO Arin Aghajani

CPA Fuel will be attending the 2010 iDate Internet Dating Conference on the June 16-18, 2010. The 7th annual West Coast Internet Dating Conference taking place in Beverly Hills will be the largest gathering of senior internet dating and social networking industry executives. This conference is occurring at the perfect time as CPA Fuel continues to innovate, build, and market dating websites. " We are very involved in the dating vertical, not only as a traffic source but as innovative developers. This summer will mark the release of over ten exclusive web properties which we assisted in developing," said Arin Aghajani, CEO of CPA Fuel.

In the wake of the Haiti Disaster, CPA Fuel is donating a portion of the proceeds of Disaster Aid Supply Kit campaign to the Red Cross to aid the victims of the earthquake. "We have recently acquired the advertising contract for the disaster relief kit, we believe in the product, and are glad that we are in a position to use its success to help the victims of a tragic disaster. We will continue to market this product and make monthly contributions throughout the recovery period" said CPA Fuel CEO Arin Aghajani.

CPA Fuel Marketing, LLC, in an effort to stay ahead of the curve and ensure that our always top quality offers will continue to be solid performers for our trusted publishers, will no longer allow forced or pre-checked up-sells. Moving forward all up-sells are required to be opt-in and on a one time fee ONLY! NO membership or free trial up-sells will be allowed. Furthermore, our compliance team will be ensuring that all pages will display the terms and conditions properly; time tickers and/or text stating specific number of remaining trials will no longer be allowed. We realize that these changes may generate concern from our trusted publishers who may feel that the removal of up-sells will decrease payouts. Please rest assured that our payouts will not change and you will not be directly effected by these changes.

Cpafuel.com partners with Hazel Grove Coffee as its exclusive agency of record for all online promotions. Hazel Grove Coffee is a membership program offering home delivery of its fine coffee roasts nationwide. "We are very excited to take on this offers at an early stage, allowing us to test, optimize campaigns, and drive profitable customer acquisitions. Our affiliates are going to love this exclusive!" said CPA Fuel CEO Arin Aghajani.

CPA Fuel is proud to announce the conversion of their popular trial offer sites into the Spanish language. This is going to help broaden the scope of the network by creating a whole new market for their products. "We decided to add this new demographic due to the fact it seems affiliate marketing has left it behind. We feel there is real value in bringing Spanish speaking citizens of the US and Canada products once reserved for the English speaking public." CPA Fuel Marketing LLC plans to convert their AOR Advertisers past and future offers into Spanish in an effort to diversify and continue to lead the affiliate space with their ingenuity and forward thinking.

CPA Fuel announced the launch of Fueled Compliance- An industry leading compliance program to assist in delivering high volume of quality leads, while maintaining advertisers' brand integrity. "We understand that advertisers are not only looking for volume, but quality and compliant traffic. As consumers and regulators become more stringent and apt to hold advertisers responsible for their affiliates we feel it is our responsibility to assist in protecting advertisers." said CPA Fuel CEO Arin Aghajani, "In order to deliver the most profitable and compliant traffic we have developed Fueled Compliance, a breakthrough compliance program setting the standards in Data Protection, Fraud Prevention, Affiliate Screening and Marketing Practices."


San Francisco